
Showing posts from August, 2024


  Introduction to Stem Cells: Stem cells are undifferentiated cells present in embryonic, fetal, and adult stages. They can give rise to various cell types in the body, having clonogenic and self-renewing capabilities. These cells are unspecialized, have a high proliferation rate, and possess plasticity, meaning they can transform into different cell lineages. Stem cells are part of all organs in the body. Characteristics of Stem Cells: Self-Renewal : Stem cells can extensively proliferate, maintaining their population throughout life. Clonality : Usually, stem cells arise from a single cell. Potency : This refers to the ability to differentiate into different cell types. Stem cells can either produce a copy of themselves (renewal) or differentiate into specialized cells through a multi-step process, each step leading to a more specialized cell. Self-Renewal and Differentiation: Self-renewal involves the division of stem cells to maintain their undifferentiated state, requiring contr


  Module 1: Food Biotechnological Approach This module provides a comprehensive overview of key topics in food biotechnology, focusing on global perspectives on agriculture, food security, and nutrition, nutritionally enhanced food crop production, biofortification of staple crops, substitutes for sugar, protein, and fat, and advanced approaches, including the applicability and challenges of transgenic biofortified crops. 1. Global Perspectives on Agriculture, Food Security, and Nutrition Introduction With the global population steadily increasing, ensuring food security has become a critical challenge. Food security refers to the availability, access, and utilization of food that meets people’s dietary needs and preferences for an active and healthy life. This section focuses on the global strategies and efforts to improve food security and nutrition. Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero Hunger Sustainable Development Goal 2 aims to end hunger, achieve food security, improve nutritio


  Module 1: Overview on Biodiversity - Detailed Explanation and Examples 1. Scope of Biodiversity Definition : Biodiversity refers to the variety of all living things on Earth, including plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms, as well as the ecosystems they form, like forests, oceans, and deserts. Types of Biodiversity : Genetic Diversity : This is the variation in genes within a species. Genes determine how an organism looks, behaves, and adapts to its environment. Example : Imagine different types of apples: green apples, red apples, and yellow apples. Even though they are all apples, their colors, sizes, and tastes differ due to genetic diversity. Species Diversity : This refers to the variety of different species living in an area. The more species there are, the higher the species diversity. Example : A coral reef is home to various species like fish, corals, and sea turtles. Each species plays a different role in maintaining the health of the reef ecosystem. Ecological Divers


  Batch Fermentor Batch Fermentor , a type of bioreactor used for growing microorganisms or cells under controlled conditions. Let's go through each part and its function within the system: Key Components and Their Functions: Motor: The motor drives the impeller (stirrer) inside the fermentor. It provides the necessary mechanical energy to keep the contents of the fermentor well-mixed, ensuring uniform distribution of nutrients, oxygen, and temperature throughout the liquid medium. Impeller: The impeller is a rotating blade or series of blades that stir the liquid inside the fermentor. This mixing action helps to maintain homogeneity, preventing the formation of gradients (variations in temperature, pH, or nutrient concentration) within the reactor. Cooling Jacket: The cooling jacket surrounds the fermentor vessel. It allows cooling water to flow through it, helping to regulate the temperature inside the fermentor. Temperature control is crucial for maintaining optimal conditions f


 Module:5 Electrophoresis 6 hours Principle, types, and applications: Native PAGE, SDS-PAGE, agarose gel electrophoresis, capillary electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing, pulse field gel electrophoresis; Supporting media used in electrophoresis


  Module:3 Microscope Light microscopy; Bright and dark field microscopy; Fluorescence microscopy; Phase contrast microscopy; Confocal microscopy; Electron microscopy

Good Laboratory Practices in ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES

Module:1 Good Laboratory Practices Personnel protective equipment; Standard operating procedures; Characterization of test items; Documentation of data; Quality assurance.